
About us

despre-noi     We can supply the best price offer very favorable conditions for : drinking water softeners , water systems deferrization , demanganizare water, eliminating odors , decontaminating bacteriological filtration systems for water.

The most common problems in small and medium springs deep groundwater are calcium and magnesium (limestone ) , ammonia , nitrates , nitrites , iron, manganese , and organic substances .

We have solutions for eliminating any problems listed above, at very competitive prices !

Automatic filters are built to retain the water , organic and inorganic contaminants that exceed the threshold allowed by the regulations in force , and which are harmful for human body , especially after prolonged consumption when water was not analyzed in a specialized laboratory quality determination .

These filters can retain or bring in contaminants permissible limits biological, physical and chemical as: sediment , suspended particles , impurities (dust , rust, shore , sand / clay, rust , etc. . ) Organisms ( coliform bacteria , Escherichia coli, enterococci, pseudomonas aeruginosa , clostridium perfringers , cryptosporidium, Giardia , etc.). heavy metals , chlorine, lime , iron, manganese, nitrite / nitrate , ammonia , hydrogen sulfide , free chlorine , trihalomethanes ( THMs ) , chloroform , insecticides , herbicides , aromatic hydrocarbons polynuclear ( PNAs ) , polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) , volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) , trichlorethylene , trichloroethane , benzene .

All filters are automated and are manufactured americana.Unele of them use other consumer matters not . We provide full services , namely consulting, field visits for product presentations and water sampling for laboratory analysis , offering quick treatment solution for each case , livreare , installation , assembly, commissioning.

Optional offer maintenance contracts . We provide a top quality on the European market in this chapter, and the tender has competitive discount grid for the entire range of products and services .